Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Today in lab we tested the catalyst in the enzymes of a potato and liver. When we added peroxide and the liver together it bubbled up to the top of the test tube, but whenever we added the peroxide and potato together it just barely bubbled. We placed the test tubes into 4 different experiments; ice water, boiling water, room temperature, and water bath.

The liver started out with 140mm of foam in each experiment.
The potato started out with 5mm of foam in each experiment.

Ice water:
Liver- temp. 6 degrees Celsius foam-15mm
Potato- temp. 5 degrees Celsius foam- 6mm

Boiling water:
Liver- temp. 71 degrees Celsius foam- 0mm
Potato-temp. 72 degrees Celsius foam- 2mm

Room temperature:
Liver- temp. 31 degrees celsius foam- 128mm
Potato- temp. 27 degrees Celsius foam- 6mm

Water bath:
Liver- temp. 52 degrees Celsius foam- 140mm
Potato- temp. 54 degrees Celsius foam- 5mm

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