Monday, November 12, 2012

Baby lab

We drew a baby in class. We had to flip a coin every time to decide what type of nose or mouth or shape of eyes , etc.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Respiration Lab

Today in lab we had to draw a structure of the respiratory system and feel the texture of a real pig lung.

We also used a spirometer to breathe into to record our lungs volume.

We had to draw a picture of the respiration system and label the parts and then answer questions on a following sheet of paper which are photos below.

DNA lab

Today in lab we tested our DNA. We put Distilled water in our mouth from a test tube and swished it around like mouth wash to get some of our cheek cells. Then we spit the Distilled water and cheek cells back into the test tube and added a droplet of alcohol and mixed the solutions together. Then we placed the test tubes into the water bath at 50 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes.
After removed from the water bath we added another type of solution and mixed them and then extracted the DNA from the test tube and placed it in a necklace type tube and added dye to be able to make out the DNA.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Today in lab we went over meiosis, the male, female, and menstrual cycle.

Starting with the testes trace the sperm until it exits the penis.
Testes, epididymis, vas deferens, prostate glands, urethra, exits the penis.

Starting with an unfertilized egg in the ovary trace the egg until it exits the vagina.
Unfertilized egg in the ovary, fimbria, uterine tubes, uterus, cervix, exit the vagina.

Pictures below are of the things we went over today.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Diffusion lab

Today in lab we experimented with diffusion which is the movement of molecules from high to low concentration to create balance.

-The energy that allows random motion of molecules to occur is called heat.

We first added potassium permanganate to room temperature water, the water bath, and ice water.
-The water bath dissolved fastest because it was hot, and the ice dissolved slowest due to the cold temperature.

Second we placed two holes with a cork bore in the agar. We then added the dye methylene blue and potassium permanganate to each hole and waited for 20 minutes.
-The potassium permanganate moved at a faster rate of diffusion, because its a smaller molecule than the methylene blue.

Osmosis lab

Today in lab we looked at osmosis, which is the movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from a region of low solute to a region of high solute.

We had two test tubes for the celery strips and two for the potato strips; one with salt water and one with distilled water.
We placed the potato and celery strips into the 4 test tubes and waited for 30 minutes. After we removed the strips from the test tubes the results were as listed below:

Saltwater potato was hypertonic- soft
Distilled potato was hypotonic- hard

Saltwater celery was hypotonic- soft
Distilled celery was hypertonic- hard

Anaerobic and aerobic respiration

Today in lab we added yeast to solutions to determine if they were a monosaccharide, polysaccharide, disaccharide, or a protein.

We tested the following solutions:
Distilled water

They solutions started at 15 ml and we added 0.5g of yeast to each.

The solutions displacement is listed below in ml along with the compound that formed:
Fructose- 10.5 monosaccharide
Glucose- 18 monosaccharide
Lactose- 1.5 polysaccharide
Distilled water- 0
Starch- 0 polysaccharide
Sucrose- 12 disaccharide
Maltose- 9.9 disaccharide
Gelatin- 0 protein

The photos below are from the lab today.


Today in lab we tested the catalyst in the enzymes of a potato and liver. When we added peroxide and the liver together it bubbled up to the top of the test tube, but whenever we added the peroxide and potato together it just barely bubbled. We placed the test tubes into 4 different experiments; ice water, boiling water, room temperature, and water bath.

The liver started out with 140mm of foam in each experiment.
The potato started out with 5mm of foam in each experiment.

Ice water:
Liver- temp. 6 degrees Celsius foam-15mm
Potato- temp. 5 degrees Celsius foam- 6mm

Boiling water:
Liver- temp. 71 degrees Celsius foam- 0mm
Potato-temp. 72 degrees Celsius foam- 2mm

Room temperature:
Liver- temp. 31 degrees celsius foam- 128mm
Potato- temp. 27 degrees Celsius foam- 6mm

Water bath:
Liver- temp. 52 degrees Celsius foam- 140mm
Potato- temp. 54 degrees Celsius foam- 5mm

Monday, October 1, 2012

Testing bio/molecules

Today's lab was over testing bio/molecules. We tested a variety of molecules and discovered if they tested positive or negative for glucose, proteins, lipids or starch.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

PH lab

Today in lab we tested the pH level of the following 13 solutions:

Distilled water
Buffer solution
Lemon juice
Roll aides
Diet coke
Baking soda
Lemon low concentration

We used a pH scale and the paper scale to find the pH of the solutions. Then we averaged the pH levels and decided wether it was a acid, base, or neutral.

pH scale

This lab was over pH scales and the first experiment we did was the tap water and the bromothymol blue. The tap water had a pH of 9. We added 10 drops of bromothymol blue to the water and blew into a straw adding 1000x more hydrogen making the solution turn a yellow color making carbonic acid.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Atom structures

In class on Monday September 17th we made atom structures. Each color stood for some type of atom.